Executive Committee and staff

Table Officers:

President- (Acting): Donna Mortimer

Donna Mortimer is  graciously filling in this position for the local. The local is looking for members who may want to step into this role. Contact the local by sending an email to cupe2204@gmail.com if you are interested.

Vice President- Abhann Cupper Scott

Abhann is a Registered Early Childhood Educator working at Andrew Fleck Children’s Services at the George Street location.

Secretary-Treasurer -Carling Shatford

Carling is a Registered Early Childhood Educator working at Dalhousie Parent’s Day Care Centre.

Correspondence Secretary -VACANT

The local is looking for members who may want to step into this role. Contact the local by sending an email to cupe2204@gmail.com if you are interested.

Recording Secretary- Rosalie Abdo

Rosalie is a Registered Early Childhood Educator working for Andrew Fleck Children’s Services at their George Street location.

Past Executive Officer (optional position) – VACANT

The local is looking for members who may want to step into this role. Contact the local by sending an email to cupe2204@gmail.com if you are interested.


Executive Support : Athina Basiliadis

Athina is an Educator at Glebe Parent’s Daycare.

Athina  has graciously been dedicating her time to the local by helping the Business Agent and Executive Officers through the locals major period of change. Athina has previously sat on the Executive and held the role of President. She has been an amazing asset to the local and its day to day operations.


Trustees: Rose Ann Cotter, Tammy Quilty & 

The local has 3 positions available for Trustees. The Trustees complete our yearly audit and ensure the local is in good stead.

Rose Ann holds one position and is a Registered Early Childhood Educator at Capital Child Care Centre.

Tammy holds the second position and is the cook at Hawthorne’s Heatherington site.

Athina holds the third and final position, she is an Educator at Glebe Parents Daycare.


Business Agent  – Amber Galli 

Amber is a Registered Early Childhood Educator who also possess experience in various office settings and fields.